
About CLEO

Since 1974, CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario  /  Éducation juridique communautaire Ontario) has developed clear, accurate, and practical legal rights education and information to help people understand and exercise their legal rights. Our work focuses on providing information to people who face barriers to accessing the justice system, including income, disability, literacy, and language. As a community legal clinic and part of Ontario’s legal aid system, we work in partnership with other legal clinics and community organizations across the province.

Our work includes:

  • the Steps to Justice and Justice pas-à-pas websites, with question and answers on everyday legal problems experienced by people in Ontario across a range of topics
  • Guided Pathways, which are interactive interviews that help people complete legal forms and create legal documents, including:
    • Family law court forms
    • Housing law (T1 and T6 for the Landlord and Tenant Board)
    • Powers of attorney
    • A simple will
    • Eviction Solution Explorer
    • Elder abuse response and safety plan
    • Request for reconsideration or appeal of a decision denying CPP-D
    • Small Claims Court
    • Nonprofit bylaw builder
  • training and tools for community workers at CLEO Connect
  • an extensive collection of legal information resources and publications available in a variety of languages and formats
  • research into effective ways of developing and delivering legal rights information
  • online resources for non profit organizations on the Nonprofit Law Ontario website