CLEO’s Strategic Plan 2018-2023
CLEO Mandate:
CLEO is an independent, community-based, public legal education and information (PLEI) organization dedicated to serving communities and people in Ontario, particularly those who face barriers to participation in the justice system for reasons such as income, literacy, language, dis/ability, race or ethnic background, and isolation.
CLEO Roles:
- Producer of quality and innovative PLEI, building on 45 years of expertise and experience
- Leader in PLEI research, resources, and capacity building and in responsive technology and approaches
- Partner in collaborative and responsive initiatives supporting meaningful access to justice
Guiding Principles:
- Social justice
- Province-wide mandate
- Equipping people to understand and exercise their legal rights
- Based on the needs of people
- Legally accurate, clear language, practical information
- Working in collaboration with other organizations
- Evidence-based approaches (including research)
- Innovation that contributes to increasingly effective PLEI services and delivery
- Advocating for meaningful and effective access to justice
- Working respectfully
Strategic Directions:
- Lead and partner in improving access to justice
- Collect, analyze, and share information relating to the needs of key audiences, partners, and stakeholders
- Develop and integrate content that responds to communities’ changing needs and reflects changing technologies
- Offer inter-connected supports and services to community-based organizations helping people with legal problems
- Strengthen CLEO’s infrastructure and organizational capacity
- Promote and communicate CLEO’s work, resources, and value