10. Pursue interests
“Every resident has the right to pursue social, cultural, religious, spiritual and other interests, to develop their potential and to be given reasonable assistance by the licensee to pursue these interests and to develop their potential.”
In other words: You have the right to do things that interest you and are important to you inside or outside the home.
When you move into the home, you may want to continue your hobbies, follow your religion, and do other activities you enjoy.
The home should make it possible for you to do these things unless they have a good reason not to. For example, they could:
- set aside a special area for prayer
- help you get ready on time for outings
- contact organizations that may be able to help you
But there may be things that you cannot do. For example, you might want to do wood carving. But the home does not have a workshop where you can do it safely.
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