6. Communicate and visit in private
“Every resident has the right to communicate in confidence, receive visitors of their choice and consult in private with any person without interference.”
In other words: You have the right to meet and talk with people in private.
If you want to speak to someone alone, you have the right to do this.
Tell the staff if you do not have enough privacy in your room. They should find a private place for you to meet if you tell them ahead of time.
Because this is your home, you can invite your family, friends, or anyone else to visit you. You get to choose who visits and when. You do not need to ask for permission to do this.
In most cases, no one can stop someone from visiting you if you want to see them. If this happens, get legal advice. See the list of places that can help you in Getting legal help and information.
Staff should not open your mail or read any documents you have unless you tell them that this is okay.
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