What happens when the Board gets a report of my injuries?
Once the Board gets a Form 6, Form 7, or Form 8, they will open a claim file for you. You should receive a letter from the Board giving you a claim number. Use this number whenever you contact the Board. If you do not get this letter, you should contact the Board right away to find out why.
You must still file a Form 6 within 6 months even if the Board has already opened a file for you or given you a claim number.
Every time you talk to someone at the Board, they will make a note of the conversation and put it into your Board file. It is a good idea to keep your own notes as well. And every time you write to the Board or they write to you, a copy of the letter will go into your file. Medical reports and other papers about your claim will also be in your file. If you need to appeal a Board decision, you should get a copy of your Board file.
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