
How do I take my pregnancy or parental leave?

You must give your employer a letter that says the day you want to start your pregnancy or parental leave. Your employer must get the letter at least 2 weeks before you want your leave to start.

If you are taking both pregnancy leave and parental leave, make sure your letter gives the start date for each leave. Or you can give your employer 2 separate letters.

Parents who want to take pregnancy leave must also give their employer a medical note that says when the baby is due, if their employer asks for one.

Can I change the date when my leave starts?

If you change your mind about when you want to start your leave, you must give your employer a new letter telling them this.

To start your leave earlier: You must give your employer the new letter at least 2 weeks before you want your leave to start.

To start your leave later: You must give your employer the new letter at least 2 weeks before the date you first said that your leave was going to start.

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