
Earnings exemption of $200 after 3 months

After getting money from OW for at least 3 months, the rules about take-home pay change. After 3 months, OW will not reduce the monthly amount they give you if your take-home pay is $200 or less that month.

This is called an earnings exemption.

Instead of waiting 3 months, you can get the earnings exemption right away if all of the following are true:

  • you got money in the past from OW or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) for at least 3 months in a row,
  • you earned at least some money from work since you stopped getting money from OW or ODSP, and
  • it has been less than 6 months since you stopped getting money from OW or ODSP.

Money you make over $200

After getting money from OW for at least 3 months, if your take‑home pay is more than $200, OW reduces the money they give you that month. They reduce it by half the amount of what you earn above $200.

For example, if your take-home pay is $260 in a month, OW will not count the first $200. But they will reduce the amount of money they give you by half of the remaining $60.

$260 take-home pay
– $200 earnings exemption
$60 OW reduces your month’s payment by half of this
÷ 2
$30 OW takes this much from your monthly amount
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