
Can your landlord take your stuff?

If you speak French

In many cases you have the right to government services and legal proceedings in French, including hearings before French-speaking decision‑makers.

If you have a legal problem, you can ask a lawyer or a community legal clinic about your French language rights.

Si vous parlez français

Il existe de nombreuses situations où vous avez droit à des services gouvernementaux et à des procédures juridiques en français. Ainsi, vous pouvez avoir droit à ce qu’une audience à laquelle vous êtes partie soit tenue devant un décideur qui parle français.

Si vous avez un problème juridique, vous pouvez demander à un avocat ou à un intervenant d’une clinique juridique communautaire de vous informer des droits linguistiques liés au fait de parler français.

Does this resource apply to you?

This resource is about tenants’ rights under the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA). The RTA applies to most rental housing in Ontario, such as rooms, apartments, houses, mobile home parks, and retirement homes.

But some rental housing is not covered by the RTA. For example, you might not be covered if you live in a place that is supposed to be used for business, share a kitchen or bathroom with the owner or a close family member of the owner, or live in some types of temporary or seasonal housing.

Also, the RTA does not cover some types of shared living. If you share rental housing or you rent from another tenant, we have an online tool at that can help you find out if you are covered.

If your housing is not covered by the RTA, the information in this article does not apply to you. If you are not sure, click here to find out where to get legal advice.

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