Child protection flowcharts
These are a set of 3 flowcharts that explain the child protection process. Click on each box in the flowchart to learn more.
Children’s aid: Information for parents
This resource is for parents who are dealing with a child protection agency. It explains when an agency might contact a family, what it might do, and when it might take a child away. It also explains what parents can do in those situations and where they can get help in many languages.
Do you know a woman who is being abused? A legal rights handbook
This handbook is for any woman in Ontario who is being abused, or who has been abused, by her partner. It includes information on making a safety plan, preparing to leave, the criminal process and trial, a woman's rights under family law, protection orders, and legal and community resources in Ontario. It also has information on how abuse may affect a woman's immigration status, and a section that focuses on Indigenous women.
Elder abuse: The hidden crime
This resource describes the different types of elder abuse, the signs and symptoms of elder abuse, why it happens and why it is seldom reported. It also includes information on how to get help and support, and lists resources available in communities across Ontario.
Family violence when a woman is sponsored by a spouse or partner
This resource is for front-line workers supporting women who experienced family violence and whose spouse or partner sponsored them for permanent residence. It discusses when separation may impact a woman's ability to remain in Canada, and when and where to refer a woman for legal help.
Making a humanitarian and compassionate (H&C) application
This resource is for front-line workers supporting women who experienced family violence and lack permanent resident status. It explains what a humanitarian and compassionate (H&C) application is, what evidence can support an application, and where to refer a woman for legal help.
My Safety Plan
This online resource helps people in abusive relationships create a safety plan to keep themselves and their children safe. The plan has space for people to fill in information that applies to them and "to do" lists to help them stay safe at home, at work, in public, and online. It also includes organizations they can contact for help, and a checklist of things to keep in an emergency bag if they need to leave their home quickly.