Children’s aid: Information for parents
This resource is for parents who are dealing with a child protection agency. It explains when an agency might contact a family, what it might do, and when it might take a child away. It also explains what parents can do in those situations and where they can get help in many languages.
Has your child been charged with a crime?
This resource offers basic information about what a parent can expect if a child under the age of 18 is charged with a crime. It includes sections on the kind of lawyer the child needs, relating to the child’s lawyer, keeping the child in school, how the child’s records can affect their future, what to do if asked to pay for damage the child has caused, and where to get help in many languages.
Need welfare? How to apply to Ontario Works
This resource is about how to apply to Ontario Works for financial assistance. It explains the rights of people applying for assistance, what kind of questions Ontario Works can ask, and what documents people might need to show. It includes information about the forms that have to be filled out and where to get help if there is a problem with Ontario Works or if they refuse assistance.
Renting a place to live
This resource offers information to tenants about how much rent a landlord can charge, the deposits and payments a tenant might have to make before moving in, and other rules landlords and tenants must follow. There is also information about discrimination, moving out, taking legal action if a landlord breaks the rules, and where to get referral information in many languages.