
What if I do not want to move out?

Usually, the first step your landlord will take to evict you is to give you a written notice that tells you to move. You do not have to leave, but you should get legal help.

If you do not move out, the next step your landlord must take is to apply to the LTB. You should receive a copy of the landlord’s application and a Notice of Hearing with the date, time, and place of the hearing.

It is very important to go to this hearing. If you do not, the hearing can go on without you and the LTB will probably decide to evict you. It is best to get legal help before the hearing. If you cannot afford a lawyer, a community legal clinic may be able to help you.

You might get a lot of papers if your landlord is trying to evict you. If you have difficulty reading and understanding any of these papers, show them to someone who can help. You may need to take legal action right away to stop the eviction.

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