What if a landlord discriminates against me?
The laws about human rights say that landlords must not discriminate against you. Discrimination happens when a landlord refuses to rent to you or treats you badly because:
- of race, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, colour, nationality, religion, or the country where you were born,
- you have a disability,
- you are receiving social assistance, or
- you have children living with you.
This list shows many but not all kinds of discrimination.
Sometimes discrimination is direct. For example, a landlord might refuse to rent to you because of your religion or another reason on the list.
But discrimination can be less direct. For example, a landlord might refuse to put in a ramp or make other changes for a tenant who uses a wheelchair. Or a landlord might refuse to rent to anyone who has no credit history. This can be a problem for people who are new to Canada.
If a landlord discriminates against you, you may be able to get free legal help.
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