
Care homes

A care home is a rented home that provides care services. Care services include:

  • nursing care
  • supervision of prescription drugs
  • an emergency response system
  • help getting from place to place
  • incontinence care
  • assistance with daily activities, such as eating, bathing, dressing, and personal hygiene

You may get meals, housekeeping, and recreational services where you live, but that is not enough to make it a care home. A care home must have at least one of the care services in the list above. You are a care home tenant only if getting care services was one of the reasons you moved in.

The following places that offer care services are not care homes under the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA):

  • hospitals, and
  • licensed long-term care homes, often called nursing homes. They are covered by the Long-Term Care Homes Act, whether they are run by a private or not-for-profit corporation, a municipality or a band council.

Care home tenants are covered by the RTA and have many of the same rights as other tenants. If you live in a care home, you have the right to a safe, well?maintained home, like any other tenant.

Your landlord cannot evict you without a reason. And, you cannot be transferred to another room or apartment, or to a long?term care home, without your consent.

But some laws apply only to care home tenants. This resource deals with those laws.

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