For more help
If the Ministry of Consumer Services does not solve your problem, you may want to get legal help. Here are some places to try.
Community legal clinics
Some community legal clinics or law school legal clinics can help you with consumer law problems. You must be financially eligible to receive these services. If your clinic cannot help, they might be able to refer you to other services in your community.
To find the legal clinic that serves your area, visit the Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) website at or call Legal Aid Ontario at:
Toll-free: 1-800-668-8258
Toronto area: 416-979-1446
Toll-free TTY: 1-866-641-8867
Toronto area TTY: 416-598-8867
Law Society Referral Service
The Law Society of Upper Canada has a directory of all lawyers and paralegals licensed to practise in Ontario. The Law Society Referral Service can give you the name of a lawyer or paralegal in your area who can give you a free consultation for up to 30 minutes. There is no charge for this referral service.
Visit the Law Society website at and click on "Find a Lawyer or Paralegal".
JusticeNet is a nonprofit service that helps people who do not qualify for legal aid to find legal help. JusticeNet has a directory of lawyers, paralegals, and mediators who provide help at reduced rates to financially eligible people. Visit their website at or contact them at:
Toll-free: 1-866-919-3219
Toronto area: 416-479-0552
Law Help Ontario
If you are suing or being sued in court, you may be able to get help from Law Help Ontario. This free program offers information about court rules and help completing court forms. If you qualify, you may also be able to get brief legal advice or, if your case is in Toronto or Ottawa, a lawyer to represent you in court. For more information call 1-855-255-7256 or visit their website at
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