
Where to go for help

Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO)

CLEO has a series of abuse and family violence resources available online and in print. Topics in the series include domestic violence, elder abuse, and abuse of people with disabilities. To order these publications or view them online, visit or call 416-408-4420.

CLEO’s Steps to Justice is a website that gives step by-step information about common legal problems, including elder abuse. Steps to Justice has practical tools like safety plans and checklists, and referral information for legal and social services. Visit

CLEO’s Guided Pathways for Responding to Elder Abuse are an online interview that gives you information and resources to help you respond to elder abuse. The pathways ask you questions and use your answers to find information and create a safety plan and personalized checklist. The pathways are free to use.

For legal services

Contact the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE).

Phone: 416-598-2656

Toll-free: 1-855-598-2656

Fax: 416-598-7924


To find the community legal clinic nearest you, go to Legal Aid Ontario’s website at

Or, you can call Legal Aid Ontario:

Toll-free: 1-800-668-8258

TTY use Bell Relay Service: 1-800-855-0511

For help finding services and information

Contact Elder Abuse Ontario.

Phone: 416-916-6728


For information on services and government programs

Call 211.

Contact ServiceOntario.

Toll-free: 1-800-267-8097

Toll-free TTY: 1-800-268-7095


To contact the Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) in your area

Call 211 or visit

To report abuse in retirement homes

Call the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority at 1-855-275-7472.

To report abuse in long-term care homes

Call the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care ACTION Line.

Toll-free: 1-866-434-0144

Toll-free TTY: 1-800-387-5559

You can also call the ACTION Line with any problems, concerns, or complaints about home care services, long-term care homes, or a LHIN.

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