
Where can I find out more and get legal help?

CLEO’s Steps to Justice website has step-by-step information about common legal issues, including your rights as a worker. Visit

For legal help and advice, you can contact a community legal clinic or a lawyer. To find the clinic nearest you, visit Legal Aid Ontario’s website at Or you can call them at:

Toll-free: 1-800-668-8258
TTY use Bell’s Relay Service: 1-800-855-0511

You can also get free legal help and advice over the phone from Pro Bono Ontario. For more information, visit their website at or call them at 1-855-255-7256.

If you have experienced discrimination, you can get free legal help from the Human Rights Legal Support Centre. Visit their website at or call them:

Toll-free: 1-866-625-5179
Toll-free TTY: 1-866-612-8627
Toronto area TTY: 416-597-4903

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