Where can I get help and information?
Contact your union or one of the places listed below.
For legal help and advice, contact your local community legal clinic. Find the clinic nearest you at legalaid.on.ca/legal-clinics. Or call Legal Aid Ontario at 1-800-668-8258. For TTY, call 711.
The Workers’ Action Centre gives free information and advice. Visit workersactioncentre.org. Or call them at 1-855-531-0778.
Pro Bono Ontario has a free legal advice hotline that offers 30 minutes of help and advice over the phone. Visit probonoontario.org/hotline or call 1-855-255-7256.
The Ontario Legal Information Centre offers a free 30 minutes with a lawyer by video or phone. They give legal information, not legal advice. Visit centreinfojuridique.ca/en or call 1-844-343-7462.
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