
How can front-line workers help?

As a front-line worker you may be able to help a woman who wants to stay permanently in Canada and is thinking of making an H&C application by:

  • letting her know when and where to get legal advice
  • explaining what IRCC will consider when they decide an H&C application
  • helping her gather evidence she needs to show that she should be allowed to stay in Canada for humanitarian and compassionate reasons

A woman without immigration status experiencing family violence may be able to get a Temporary Resident Permit (TRP) from IRCC.

The TRP allows a woman to live in Canada for at least 6 months while she decides what to do next.

A woman can apply for a work permit at the same time as she applies for the TRP and she will not have to pay a fee for either permit.

She can apply for the TRP before, after, or at the same time as she makes an H&C application.

A woman who speaks French has the right to communicate in French with immigration authorities. If she is making an application to Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada she has the right to apply in French. To find out more about her French language rights, she should contact a lawyer or a community legal clinic.

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