
Reports and records

Here are some examples of the kinds of reports and records that might help support an H&C application:

  • medical reports — for example, reports of any injuries or trauma relating to family violence, diagnosis and treatment plan for any medical condition for which adequate care would not be available in the country of origin
  • psychological assessments — for example, assessments that show a child’s special learning needs or the impact that being forced to leave Canada would have, such as the impact of returning to a country where they suffered trauma
  • hospital records — for example, admissions records for treatment of injuries related to family violence or treatment for a medical condition
  • police incident reports — for example, keeping track of when the police were involved in family violence situations
  • immigration records — for example, documents that show if a woman made a previous application for permanent residence
  • court records — for example, showing criminal proceedings against an abuser, or showing family court proceedings
  • bank records and other evidence of financial assets
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